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Meet Your Children Where They Are

As ParentZone explains: “it’s important to remember that not all screen time is equal. Try to see your child’s time spent online in terms of screen use, rather than screen time"

DAIGON’s mission is all about meeting students where they are and structuring their game time so that they can take more out of their gaming experience.

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Age appropriate games

DAIGON curates age-appropriate games using ratings like PEGI in our selection process.

Keeping Your Children Safe

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Secure Platform

DAIGON's platform guarantees a secure and private experience for all users

Your child's safety is our top priority

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Partnering with Schools

We partner with International Schools, and competitions include only peers from DAIGON’s closed network, ensuring security

Benefits of Esports and Gaming


Improved Cognitive Skills

Playing just one hour of an action video game was enough to improve a person’s ability to pay attention to a specific task. This improvement in attention was seen both in the short term, as well as after several weeks of gaming.


Enhanced Creativity

Even a short amount of time playing video games can put people into a highly creative frame of mind, which is similar to findings from previous research that other forms of play can also enhance creativity.


Elevated Social Skills

Prosocial video game use was positively associated with the tendency to maintain positive affective relationships, cooperation, and sharing as well as empathy.


Preparing Your Children for the Future

Hundreds of universities across the world have launched competitive esports programs. In North America, over 200 universities (the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Toronto, or the University of California Irvine…) now offer over $16 million in scholarships each year, & the numbers keep growing every year.

At DAIGON, we want to act as a gateway to these university programs and make sure students in international schools can also be competitive for admission to these programs.

Phil Willis

Secondary Teacher of Science

Nadeen School Bahrain

Parents of students who have been typically quite shy have expressed their excitement for their children to be part of a team and gaining the friendship and comradery that comes with it. Being part of a team and building a bond with their peers is a very singular school experience that not all students get to enjoy, so it is wonderful that these students get that chance.
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